Streetsblog says the Department of Transportation has plans to turn Seventh and Sixth Avenues into one-way streets. OMIGOD. That’s big, I mean, BIG Park Slope news.  Streetsblog, Aaron Naparstek’s blog, broke the story yesterday. Here’s a response from the DOT.

DOT has proposed changing 6th and 7th Avenues to one-way streets which
we believe will have many benefits including simplifying the turning
movements at intersections to make it safer for pedestrians crossing
the street and narrowing the travel lanes on 7th Avenue to encourage
vehicles to travel within the existing speed limit. DOT also proposes
making these changes in conjunction with a plan that would remove a
travel lane in each direction on 4th Avenue (between 17th and Dean
Streets) using this space to improve the existing left turn bays.

If you are interested, plan to attend a presentation and discussion of a proposal by the Department of
Transportation for improvements designed to enhance pedestrian
mobility, access and comfort at the Grand Army Plaza.

by the Department of Transportation of a plan to install two-way Class
II bicycle lanes and roadway markings for left-turn turning lanes along
9th Street between 3rd Avenue and Prospect Park West.

Presentation by the Department of Transportation of a plan to install Class III bicycle routes in Red Hook

Thursday, March 29, 6:30 pm.
Old First Reformed Church
729 Carroll Street
(Corner of 7th Avenue)


  1. Interesting observation Chandru — yes, Court and Smith are like freeways — cross at your own peril…

  2. Or they could do what they do in Berkley California and make the streets one way alternating directions every block.

  3. No! Exactly the wrong thing to do.
    One way streets are a recipe for disaster. There’s *plenty of evidence* to show that one-way streets encourage faster traffic, the last thing you want on 6th/7th Avenues.
    Just compare the ambiance of 6th/7th with, for example, Court/Smith streets and you will see the difference. Or even 8th Av/PPW (there should be 2-way streets as well.)
    Vehicles on the latter streets defintely move faster, and cyles and pedestrians are more at risk there. I would not even risk cycling on 8th Av, but 6/7 are fine.
    The changes to 4th Av, are, however, welcome.
    Please do all you can to oppose this.

  4. This would be as historic a change to the area as the re-design of the main entrance of the Brooklyn Museum or when Bohack became Key Food…a visionary solution or gridlock? What the neighborhood really needs (I know many will hate this) is a nice…..BIG……multi-story…Municipal Parking Lot maybe near 4th avenue..(with free bike racks of course)

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