Does anyone know a headhunter-type of person who can help a very talented, brilliant IT person, systems analyst, software developer, expert problem solver and creative person find a job.

Please email me: louise_crawford@yahoo.com or leave a comment here.


  1. We all know that in today’s “fast food” society it is getting tougher and tougher to satisfy the demands pressing in on us from all sides. We schedule play dates with our children. We pencil in quality time with our spouses. We spend more time in our cars than we do in our homes. We text, email and IM our friends and relatives in lieu of actual visits.. We eat badly and on the run. Our manic “gotta get it done” mentalities contribute to the breakdown of our health and well-being.
    That’s the bad news! Now, here’s something good. A huge faction of the worldwide population has discovered something fantastic, work from home businesses! Look anywhere on the internet and you find the same thing over and over. The movement from the workplace to the home office is on, and in a big way! Corporations are even starting to see the benefit in allowing employees to work from home. Why not! The benefits are innumerable. Happy employees, lower overhead, decreased sick days. And those entrepreneurial souls who’ve discovered the benefits of sole proprietorship are leading the kinds of lives we all dream of. You know, time for the kids, time for the spouse, bigger paychecks, less stress, more vacations, no traffic. Sounds like Utopia, right? It isn’t. Granted, you’ve got to pick and choose carefully. The internet is literally bulging at the seams with work from home business opportunities. But once you find one that suits your interests and talents, the sky’s the limit. If we are going to work hard, why not work hard for ourselves? Let’s stop giving our talent away to the highest bidder. Let’s stop taking from our families what is rightfully theirs, us!

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