This from New York 1:

Residents rejoiced Sunday after blocking the construction of a
high-rise apartment building in their low-rise neighborhood in the
Sunset Park neighborhood of Brooklyn.

After pressure from the Sunset Park Alliance of Neighbors, a
proposed 12-story building that was to go up on a former parking lot on
42nd Street will instead be trimmed down to five and half stories.

The group calls it the first of many victories.

"We created an organization, Sunset Park Alliance of Neighbors, to
mobilize this effort and push our elected officials to make that
change, and it worked,” said Ivette Cabrea.

"I think that when the community come united and unified against a
project with the same objectives they know they can accomplish a lot,”
said Brooklyn Assemblyman Felix Ortiz.

The group says it plans to keep fighting what it calls "out of context development" in Sunset Park.