Read Seeing Green’s report on the One-Way No Way meeting at Methodist Hospital. As always incisive and interesting. He is. Here’s an excerpt. Read more at his place.

It was quite a night at the DOT presentation of the One-Way Street
Proposal, sponsored by Community Board 6, held at New York Methodist’s
auditorium last night. Raucous, exciting, noisy, super-well-attended
and, no surprise after seeing the level of protests around Park Slope,
with a happy outcome (so far.)

I was lucky enough to have gotten there early enough to be able to
get a seat in the 200-seat room; there were literally hundreds of
people who had to stay outside, most in the hospital building, but
dozens and dozens of people overflowed into the street outside.

CB6 had set aside about 30 seats for board members and other VIPs
and there was a threatened revolt a few minutes before the start as the
audience started chanting "LET THEM IN!"…shades of the 60’s…A
sturdy and unsmiling security guard closed the door and stood akimbo.

Talking of which, the 60’s I mean, I found it both odd and oddly
reassuring, that the median age seemed to be 50 or so, and I fit right
in. All white haired and raring to go, I thought…where were the Gen
X-ers and Y-ers? Off for a spin in their SUVs? Or watching the latest
reality TV show instead of protesting as we were?


  1. Nice assumption, Baby Boomer. Like Ben, I work most nights ’til 7 or 7:30pm, and while I do try to make a point to engage in public debate and stay on top of goings on, I also need to make a living. And in this town, it often means working late or on weekends, which I occasionally do. But don’t let me steal your fire, because you guys invented protesting, right? We have your generation to thank for saving the whole world back in the 60’s, right? Isn’t this what you guys do? Sort of a nostalgic, I wish it were still the 60’s kind-of-thing?
    Seriously, your comment was really stupid and annoying. But give yourself a pat on the back for going. And thank you, Louise for reporting on it, so I could read about it – a few days later – after my 75 hour work week.

  2. where were the Gen X-ers and Y-ers? Off for a spin in their SUVs? Or watching the latest reality TV show instead of protesting as we were?
    Or still at work or trying to get home because the meeting was held at 6:30 p.m. when many of us Gen X-ers and Y-ers were still at our desks or on the subway commuting home. I would have gone, but by the time I got out of work and made it back to Brooklyn it was well past 6:30.

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