Someone I know (okay, it’s MiMa Cat, my stepmother) is desperately trying to adopt one or two kittens. She has a very specific kind of kitten in mind as she doesn’t want a Tabby that reminds her too much of her dearly beloved and now deceased cat, Rupert. Here’s what MiMa Cat is looking for:

Wanted: All grey or ginger tabby kitten. Male preferred. Age: 2 to 6 months.

And what a home MiMa Cat and Groovy Grandpa can offer one or two kittens: a duplex Brooklyn Heights apartment with a NYC harbor view (do cats even care about views? ). The cat will also enjoy summer vacations in the country.

Ah, the city life and the country life for this lucky cat. And what a caring couple: these two devoted cat lovers will cater to every need, every whim, every desire of this little kitten.

If you know of any kittens in need of a loving home in the city and the country, email me at

Photo by Mahomia on Flickr


  1. Of course cats care about views — at least, mine does. She adores jumping up onto varous windowsills and looking out and down, watching passers-by and traffic from several stories up. From a feline perspective of aesthetics, however, it’s possible that a harbor view could prove to be almost too static, though it would presumably be ideal for their periods of zen-like meditative contemplation.

  2. Oh, Blue-Haired Young Woman at Shawn’s (sorry for the Objectification) — you purvey the sacred grape like no other, judging harshly neither the frequency nor vintage of my purchases…and you are a rescuer of felines… Although I am much (much Much) wedded you have stolen my heart….all I can do is send thanks and best regards since I cannot tarry anon….

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