The Pavillion was randomly giving out The Last Mimzy key rings last night. OSFO spotted one kid getting one from the ticket seller. So why didn’t she get one?

We asked an usher what was going on and she suggested we ask the lady at the ticket window after the movie. Luckily we ran into the nice usher in the bathroom and she remembered our conversation and rushed to the ticket window to get two Mimzys for OSFO.


OSFO oves her tiny Mimzy and has already made a tiny pink dress for the little stuffed bunny to wear (she’s removed the key ringy thingy). She even made her Mimzy a little bedroom out of a Nestle Quik chocolate container.

The scary part: OSFO says that her Mimzy is speaking to her (just like the Mimzy in the movie). And her Mimzy is full of bad ideas and a little rude.

"My Mimzy told me," she kept saying last night. Like the weird parents in the movie, maybe we should take OSFO to a neurologist.

Yeah. Right.