This from NY1:

Some Brooklyn residents used some sweet treats to try to help save the Domino Sugar Plant.

Members of the Waterfront Preservation Alliance held a bake sale Saturday night — selling foods they made using Domino Sugar.

The purpose was to raise funds and awareness about the structure
that they’re trying to win landmark status — and keep from being torn

"We’re hoping that the historically significant buildings of this
site are preserved,” said Alice Rich of the Waterfront Preservation
Alliance. “And we told everyone to write to the Landmark’s Commission
and tell them the buildings are important to them and to the history of
the city."

"The plant hasn’t been cleaned; it’s still the way it was when
Domino Sugar walked away from it,” said historian Mary Habstritt. “All
the machinery is still there. There’s still molasses on the floor and
if you walk by you still get this wonderful sugary smell of molasses."

The Domino Sugar factory officially closed in 2004 after nearly 150 years in business.

At the time, the American Sugar Refining Company said the cost of operating in Brooklyn was just too high.