Got a nice note from Brian Halweil, co-owner of Edible Brooklyn and Edible East End. He provided a bit more info about Edible Brooklyn, which I am very glad to have. While Edible Brooklyn is an independent magazine, it is part of a network of local food magazines. Here’s his note, which he left in the comment sections. I hope the magazine does, as he says, make it out to Bay Ridge, Sunset Park and Brighton Beach — those are notable food communities. He also mentions a May 16th wine event at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Brian, tell us more.

Thanks for the note about Edible Brooklyn. Actually, Edible Brooklyn is an independent magazine, but it’s part of the national network of local food magazines called Edible Communities, which was started with Edible Ojai (Ojai, California) about five years ago and now includes almost 30 magazines from coast to coast. (Edible Nation is the official blog of the whole Edible Communities network, and it’s managed by Bruce Cole, editor of Edible San Francisco.)

Edible Brooklyn is the sister magazine of Edible East End, which celebrates the food culture of the Hamptons and North Fork. But the whole staff for Edible Brooklyn including editor, writers and photographers are in Brooklyn, and the magazine is available throughout the borough, slowly reaching out to places like Bay Ridge and Sunset Park and Brighton Beach and circulation and demand merits.

Hope to see you at our May 16 local wine event at BAM Cafe.