MEET UP 11:00-11:30 on Friday
at the fountain in front of City HallPARADE 11:30-12:00
We will parade around the block and onto the steps of City HallDEMONSTRATION: 12:00-1:00
Join us on the steps of City Hall at noon. Please tell the guards that you are attending the "Save Coney Island Demonstration."SPEAKERS:
speakers will include Charlie Denson (author of Coney Island Lost and
Found), Richard Eagon (Coney Island Hysterical Society), Louis
Scarcella (Coney Island Polar Bears), Dianna Carlin (Lola Staar), Jo
Weldon (cultural activist) and other Coney Island scholars and colorful
members of the community.PERFORMERS:
The Hungry March Band, the Dazzle Dancers, Tigger, Miss. Coney Island,
Angie Pontani will appear as Miss. Cyclone and many other jugglers,
clowns, stilt walkers, musicians, dancers, mermaids and much much more!!AFTER PARTY PARADE UP BROADWAY: 1:00
after the demonstration there will be a parade up Broadway.Glitter!! Face Paint!! Costumes!! Aquatic Spectacles!! Mermaids and more!!
There you have it. You can check out Save Coney Island here
My book “Coney Island”–a history and profile of the amusement area–may be downloaded free at:
It’s a PDF file (42 MB).
Professor Solomon