COFFEE HOUR, a new one-act play by Thomas Hanchett, featuring Maureen Dolan, Aaron Dooley and Thomas Hanchett will be playing two shows only, Thursdays, May 3 and 10, 8pm, at Old First Reformed Church at 7th Avenue and Carroll Street.
Why would a grown man start a brawl in church?
When does small talk become large and important?
Why is Starbucks sometimes frightening? Find out (and get some FREE STRONG COFFEE) at COFFEE HOUR. Tickets $4 at the door. Sponsored by the Fourth Mission Committee, Old First Reformed Church.
COFFEE HOUR, a new one-act play by Thomas Hanchett, featuring Maureen Dolan, Aaron Dooley and Thomas Hanchett will be playing two shows only, Thursdays, May 3 and 10, 8pm, at Old First Reformed Church at 7th Avenue and Carroll Street.
Why would a grown man start a brawl in church?
When does small talk become large and important?
Why is Starbucks sometimes frightening? Find out (and get some FREE STRONG COFFEE) at COFFEE HOUR. Tickets $4 at the door. Sponsored by the Fourth Mission Committee, Old First Reformed Church.