I went to a fundraising BBQ for City Councilmember, Bill De Blasio on Sunday evening. My friends, Kim Maier and Mindy Goldstein, were the organizers and I’d never refuse an invitation from them even if I didn’t know what Bill is running for.

Turns out he doesn’t know either. The BBQ was raising funds for whatever Bill decides to do next.

There’s talk that he’s thinking of running for Borough President. Someone else mentioned Public Advocate.

I missed the speechifying — Bill and Kim on the stoop of Kim’s apartment building on Third Street. Kim told me later that he spoke about the importance of community.

And a solid member of this community he is. De Blasio is a long time resident of Park Slope and a  parent of two kids at the Children’s School. He was in Bill Clinton’s Department of Housing and Urban Development and on a local Community School Board here in Brooklyn.

He is also a supporter of Forest City Ratner’s plans to develop the Atlantic Yards. Even so, there was open talk about the Atlantic Yards and obvious and loud conversational opposition to Ratner and his plan from some at the BBQ. To support Bill, I gather, you don’t have to support Atlantic Yards.

This terrible controversy has become so divisive in this neighborhood that you can’t go to an event without people bringing it up. While I’m fairly certain that most of my friends and neighbors oppose AY, sometimes you can’t be so sure.

So Bill is quite pro — and that’s disappointing.

I remember back in 2000, seeing him on crutches at the Park Slope Jewish Center, where Hillary Clinton was speaking. He was her campaign manager if I am not mistaken.

Once when Hepcat and I were house-hunting we looked at a house he was selling. It was a tiny, tiny South Slope house. A really cute one (we shoulda bought it). But tiny, tiny. I remember thinking, how does he fit in there — he’s so tall.

Yes, a very tall man.

Elected to the Council in 2001 and re-elected in 2003 and 2005, De Blasio represents the 39th District: Borough Park, Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill, Gowanus, Kensington, Park Slope, and Windsor Terrace.

But in 2008 his term limit is up and he’s gotta make a change — time for Bill to move on.

The BBQ was very nice. Kim borrowed our Weber because her’s got stolen. We were happy to oblige. The burgers were great and there was more than enough beer and wine.

Bill is obviously a good guy — friendly, engaged, easy to talk to (I couldn’t get near him). It was an easy, social get-together; a chance to talk politics, to rub shoulders with local politicos, to hob nob with neighbors and friends.

When I arrived someone said, "Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn is here." I was holding a lemon tart and I felt kinda embarassed.

I don’t think many people heard that. I smiled, put the tart down, and got myself some white wine.