I just discovered this blog called Conversations with Frank Leon Roberts. He describes it as snapshots in the life of a 24 year old public intellectual, cultural critic and doctoral candidate at NYU. He’s been posting since 2005 and there’s some interesting stuff there.

Frank Leon Roberts is a doctoral student in the department
of performance studies at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and Graduate
School of Arts and Science.

His academic interests include African American and Latin
American performance art, visual culture, black expressive culture, and
the anthropology of the African diaspora. He is also interested in
ethnographic approaches to AIDS activisms and social movements in the
queer black diaspora.

He has published review essays in journals such
as Women and Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory &
contributed the entries on Barbara Smith, Essex Hemphill, and the
history of sexuality in 20th century African American culture in The
Encyclopedia of African American History, 1865-Present (Oxford
University Press, forthcoming). Outside of academia he has written for
numerous publications such as The San Francisco Chronicle and has
received awards and/or worked with People of Color in Crisis, The
Policy Institute of NGLTF, and AIDS Project Los Angeles, among others.