Judd’s blog is eclectic and he writes about all sorts of things but this week there’s a review of the book he wrote for kids about allergies, a post about the musical Grey Gardens, and Rosie O’Donnell. Here’s the review of Judd’s book by T.F. Rice, publisher, THE OTHER HERALD in Perry, NY.

Helping Allergic Kids (& Others) Feel Better About Their Peculiarities!
19 Apr 2007
by T. F. Rice
Author Judd Lear Silverman offers up encouraging words disguised as fun in the story EDDIE HAS ALLERGIES. Full of rhyming and other wordplay, this is a story the kids will want to finish. Laughter is one of the best medicines! And reading a story about someone else having similar difficulties can make a big difference in a worrisome child’s life.

Allergies are an extremely relevant topic these days. If it is difficult for an adult to “deal with” their allergies, it must be awful for a kid to do so. Help is on the way… Silverman can’t wave a wand and make the allergies go away with mere words… but he’s proved he can make a kid feel better in other ways! Hip- hip- hooray! -T.F.Rice

Now if I can just spread the word . . . !