An OTBKB reader wrote to be about the Brooklyn Food Group, a roving supper club that launched earlier this year. Their next event is June 9th and there are still a couple of seats left. Here’s here note:

I’ve been an OTBKB reader since I moved to the borough just over a year ago — I especially liked reading about your experiences in the last week with the Extremely Cute Kitty. In fact, my boyfriend and I were inspired to get our own cat from the Animal Rescue Network!  (Maybe it’s the same one?)
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know about the Brooklyn Food Group, a roving supper club that launched earlier this year (I’m in charge of logistics). Our next big event is coming up this weekend (June 9) and we still have a couple of seats left, which can be reserved by visiting our website, We are a down-to-earth crew serving delicious food (ingredients purchased as much as possible at local greenmarkets) and we work hard to ensure our events are a blast for all who come to them.
This next event is going to be in Cobble Hill and costs $40.  I thought your readers might be interested as I think OTBKB and the BFG appeal to the same kind of people: unpretentious folks who love to enjoy fine things, and to enjoy them with their neighbors. We’re also looking for people who’d be willing to host BFG events in the future, but right now we’re mostly looking forward to Saturday night and hope a few more interesting people who like good food will choose to join us.