And it’s a far cry from Snooky’s, the classic Seventh Avenue sports bar/restaurant that closed its doors a couple of months ago to some cries of: Not Snooky’s, too.

It’s not that anyone really ever ate there. It’s just, well, it kinda belonged on Seventh Avenue, a symbol of the old, the true, the origins of pre-gentrified Slope.

Elementi’s renovation is close to complete and the new restaurant is starting to become visible. Looks like an upscale Italian place.

Gowanus Lounge thinks there’s going to be a pasta war and that “the linguini will fly to and fro between Sette, Sotto Voce and Tutta Pasta? Or are they all far enough apart that they get their own territory?”

Judging by the crowds at Sotto Vocce and Sette, there is probably room for one more. I, for one, have never understood the appeal of Tutta Pasta. Hepcat, Teen Spiriti and I went in there around 1993 and promptly walked out. It wasn’t as child-friendly as Two Boots and we never came back. Now that we don’t need child friendly because our kids are older, I still haven’t been back.

I think I had a drink there once with a friend after a poetry reading at the Community Bookstore.

Sette is, I think, in a class all by itself. That said, there is quite a bit of pasta on Seventh. But people do seem to love it. None for me, thanks. I’m on Weight Watchers…


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