Nancy Graham, who is reading this Thursday with Michael Ruby at Brooklyn Reading Works has a story in Pindeldyboz, an online literary journal. Come hear her at the Old Stone House at 8 p.m.  Fifth Avenue between 3rd and 4th Street.

He has always hated that jewelry store, but something catches Marshall’s eye as he passes by on his walk home from the Gray Panthers meeting. Gold rings, watches, emerald earrings, pearls, and this thing that squats amid the glitter, colorful but practical.
What do other men give their wives for their eightieth birthdays?

Nancy Graham’s fiction has been published in Prima Materia, CafĂ© Irreal and Orchid (forthcoming), and her poetry in Aught, BlazeVOX, Chronogram, and Eratio. Her chapbook, somniloquies, is available from Pudding House.