Elementi, the new restaurant between Garfield and Carroll, removed the wood that was blocking the new front window and unveiled a pretty new room in the space that was once Snooky’s.

Surprise: The owner is the husband of the lovely owner of MYR, the tiny make-up shop next to ConnMuffCo. I had suspected that she was involved as I’d seen her going in and out of the space over the last few months.

The MYR lady saw me peering in the window and came out to talk.

She said the renovation was quick: it only took four months ("we had a great crew"). It’s her husband’s first solo restuarant effort but I thnk he’s been in partnerships before. The chef, whose name I forget, worked at Esta. The food is "blended Italian," which means a blending of various regional cuisines in Italy.

The prices are on par with Stone Park and other upscale Fifth Avenue eateries. It actually looks very nice.


  1. After sampling the cuisine at Elementi, the only thing I can say is that the food is wonderful and the atmosphere is brilliantly tasteful. For Elementi, the potential for further growth within the restaurant business is endless. I can honestly say without a doubt that this younger business will definitely prosper.

  2. we just tried Elementi and were pleasantly surprised! price point is certainly on Par. The veal tenderloin was perfect, excellent ambiance and mood. i rate a restaurant on whether or not it was good enough to go back to and i can tell you i will be back here soon.

  3. There goes another PS landmark.
    Snooky’s was what it was – a regular folks bar with serviceable food.
    I’ve been reading bad stuff in other blogs about the current restaurant at that address — Elementi — scheduled to open Tuesday.
    Good luck to them. And I hope to God the food is stellar.
    Guess all the real people stuff is now on 5th Avenue.

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