Part of the fun of the Brooklyn Blogade Roadshow is to see a new nabe. About 20 bloggers, friends and spouses gathered at Vox Pop in Flatbush — some had never been to Cortylou Road before.

The cafe itself was worth the trip. Part bookstore, coffee bar, Sunday BBQ, performance space, instant publishing center, community center, Vox Pop is sort of a live blog, with tons of atmosphere and cultural vitality.

The first Brooklyn Blogade Roadshow was hosted by Flatbush Gardener, who did a great job organizing and promoting the event. There was an open mic and from 2-3 pm bloggers got up and talked about their blogs.

Hepcat and I arrived at 3 p.m. and we were the last to speak. We missed the shout-out completely and I’m sorry about that but we did get a chance to meet just about everyone in the room. Interesting conversations abounded and it really was a lot of blog talk. There was some disappointment that no non-bloggers came because part of this exercise is to bring new people into the fold.

Many of the bloggers at Vox Pop had never seen the gracious Victorian wood houses in that neighborhood. Flatbush Gardener told some of us the interesting history of his house and the nabe as well. I’ve been to that nabe numerous times and even  wrote a story for BKLYN Magazine about the landmarking effort in Beverley Square West. But yesterday I really got a deeper sense of the nabe just being in Vox Pop.

Next month’s road show will be in Greenpoint, hosted by New York Shitty. Bloggers and non-bloggers welcome.

Here are the names of the bloggers I wrote down, there were others, too. Please leave a comment if you were there and I didn’t write you down (links to come): New York Shitty, Bed Stuy Blog, Gowanus Lounge, Creative Times, Self-Absorbed Boomer, Sustainable Flatbush, Brit in Brooklyn, the Luna Park Gazette, Dope ont the Slope,


  1. You stated “Many of the bloggers at Vox Pop had never seen the gracious Victorian brownstones in that neighborhood. ”
    There’s Victorian brownstones near Cortylou Road? I’m a third Generation Brookynite, and I don’t believe there are any Victorian brownstones in that area. Can someone please provide an address of a Victorian brownstones in Ditmas Park/South Flatbush?

  2. Victorian not brownstones, but free-standing houses. Porches, gables, dormers, turrets, the whole nine yards. Not to mention yards with lawns, shrubs, trees, vines, flower and vegetable gardens … Which was the appeal to me, of course.

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