Smartmom dropped OSFO off for her last day of fourth grade 30 minutes. OSFO was late because she was finishing a sock monkey for a friend in the class.

In addition to much learning and personal growth, OSFO learned how to make sock monkeys in fourth grade and she taught a group of her classmates how to do it. She promised someone she’d finish his.

Looking for a Thank You card to give the Parent Coordinator at Community Bookstore, she ran into a parent she’s seen for years at PS 321. She was looking for a Barbara Kingsolver book.

"This isn’t your last day at PS 321 is it?" Smartmom asked.

"Yes it is," she said.

"I thought you had one more…"

"No, this is it. I get teary just thinking about it," she said.

They hugged.

"Fifteen years," she said.

One thought on “LAST DAY OF SCHOOL”

  1. I know exactly who you’re talking about! 321 really is such a special place. When my daughter graduated way back when, she couldn’t walk past 321 for the longest time afterward because she missed it so much. She’s a sophmore in college now and still thinks of her time there very fondly.

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