Dear Friend.

I am writing to you today  to ask your help in establishing a permanent
home for ISSUE Project Room.
In its brief history, ISSUE Project Room,
has become one of the most respected  art and performance spaces  in
New York City. Programs like Theremin Society,  Points in a Circle, The
Independents, and Littoral, have earned us a reputation of presenting
new and artistically challenging work. Our programming is our greatest

After two years of performances in its silo on the Gowanus Canal, ISSUE
is ready to move  to larger, centrally-located permanent home.To
successfully undertake such a move, ISSUE’s board has recently
announced a $350,000 capital campaign.,

I am asking for your support! I want to stress the urgency  of my
request, with the hope that you will write a check or make an online
donation as soon as you receive this letter.
The urgency stems from a
unique  and  wonderful opportunity for ISSUE to move into a new, rent
free space in one of the most beautiful buildings in downtown Brooklyn.

ISSUE is one of two finalists for this architecturally significant 
property, but it must demonstrate the financial capability to develop
the space if it is to secure the lease.

To meet  this goal we are raising money by several means: donor
solicitations, grant requests and fundraising benefits, To kick off the
campaign, there will be a drive to meet a generous $25,000 matching
grant made by an anonymous donor.

In support of this opportunity to secure the best possible space  for
experimental performance in Brooklyn, this  donor has made a $25,000,
one -for- two matching grant to be met by August 1st.  For every dollar
we raise, up to $50,000, between now and August 1st, ISSUE Project Room
will receive 50 cents.  If we raise $50,000 by August 1st, ISSUE will
get the entire $25,000 match.  Following announcement of the match last
week, ISSUE has already received $10,000. My goal is to raise another
$25,000 this coming week.

ISSUE will be meeting with the property’s developers on July 24th. It
is crucial to our success that we have this money in hand in time for
this meeting. Nothing could better help ISSUE in making its case to the
property’s developers than to be able to walk into the meeting saying
we have met the match!  Successfully closing this first phase of the
campaign before the deadline will inspire large  donors, corporations
and foundations.

I know  you understand the importance of helping places like ISSUE
Project Room, one of the few vibrant spaces supporting experimental
performance.  I am particularly appealing to you because you are our
artistic community. It’s especially important that our audience and
supporters who have participated in helping to make ISSUE the
outstanding place that it is show their support at this time. If
everyone who has enjoyed ISSUE over the last 4 years gives  just $25 we
will raise over $15,000. Write a check for whatever you can as soon as
you receive this e-mail.  Every bit  helps, and we want ISSUE’s new
home to be a place infused with the love and energy of many supporters,
whatever their financial capability.

I’d also like you to call five friends, send them copies of this
letter, and ask them to support ISSUE as generously  as you have.  If
you or your friends would  like to know more  about ISSUE, I’m happy to
speak with you. You can contact me at 718-812-1129, or What would New York City be without 
experimental art?  I’d rather not think about it!  So, please become an
ISSUE donor, and  help us meet our match today.


Suzanne Fiol
Founder and Artistic Director