Here’s this week’s Smartmom from the Brooklyn Paper, cited as Newspaper of the Year, by the Suburban Newspaper Association.

So, Smartmom wondered, can Diaper Diva pull off Ducky’s third birthday party?

the red-haired beauty with the fairest skin, a contagious laugh, and
the brightest eyes imaginable was turning 3 and Diaper Diva had a
rather ambitious party planned.

And it’s not like she has the 16,
that’s right 16, years of mothering experience under her belt like
Smartmom. She’s a newbie really, a greenhorn when it comes to this
mothering stuff.

Smartmom observed Diaper Diva as she began
planning the fete back in June. In true Diaper Diva fashion, she fussed
over every detail. Should it be indoor or out? Should there be a
children’s entertainer? Should it have a theme?

Is it appropriate to have wine?

All this, while she’s working full time and desperately trying to get Ducky toilet-trained.

Smartmom knew she had a lot on her plate and wondered how it would go.

Still, Smartmom knew to stay out of it.

Well, she did contribute some pearls of wisdom.

Remember: All the balloons should be the same color. They’ll all want red.

But that’s all. Smartmom was delicate with the advice.

Ducky is 3 already and admittedly Diaper Diva has done a pretty good job so far. Just
look at Ducky. She’s so full of spunk and fun; a little bossy sometimes
and very smart; she’s oh so definite about what she wants to do and
what she wants everyone else to do.

And Diaper Diva handles all
of it with aplomb. In fact, Smartmom admires the way Diaper Diva sets
limits for Ducky and the way Ducky actually listens to her. Smartmom,
on the other hand, was never great in the discipline department.

other ways, too, Smartmom notices the transformation of Diaper Diva
from a non-parent living in the Slope — who was, truth be told, more
than a little annoyed by the neighborhood’s child-centeredness — to a
full-fledged, leaves-her-Maclaren
stroller-in-the-middle-of-the-sidewalk, Park Slope mama.

At least she doesn’t have a Bugaboo.

true. Diaper Diva has all the super annoying parts of motherhood down
cold: everything revolves around Ducky now. Diaper Diva is rarely able
to meet for a quick drink. And when Smartmom wants to talk on the
phone, Diaper Diva says, “Gotta go now, bye. Ducky needs me.”

knows that it’s only natural that Diaper Diva’s antenna is tuned to the
“all Ducky, all the time” radio station of life. But this sometimes make Smartmom feel a little left out. Her own children
aren’t the center of DD’s universe anymore. And neither is she.

But that’s OK, that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Right?

protective, loving, nurturing, and serious about her mothering, Diaper
Diva travels with Dora the Explorer Band Aids, a pocketbook full of
first-aid supplies, and sugar-free lollipops for potty-training
incentives (Ducky is fully trained now).

And you don’t even want to know what’s in Diaper Diva’s well-stocked red Skip Hop diaper bag
Smartmom arrived
early (but not too early) for Ducky’s Dora the Explorer party. There
was a life-sized blow up Dora, of course and Diaper Diva hired a
sweet-natured performer named Peter Davis, who sang melodic originals
like “Playing in the Playground” and “Red-Headed Girl” (special for
Ducky) and classics like “Wheels on the Bus” and the “If You’re Happy
and You Know It” with a humorous twist.

When Diaper Diva asked him to sing, “The Circle Game,” the 40-something Davis asked her to sing along.

“I don’t sing,” she said. “My sister does. I was the painter.”

was impressed. Diaper Diva had in one sentence clearly delineated their
separate identities as children. Being a twin, you have to pick your
turf in order to distinguish yourself.

Even in their late 40s,
they’re still trying to win that turf war and are still competitive
with each other, super critical, and not just a little judgmental.

In a helpful way.

was moved that her sister wanted her to sing. She used to think her
sister resented the singing because it brought Smartmom so much

Few know of Smartmom’s former identity as a
20-something songwriter who, in her dreams, was a cross between Joni
Mitchell and Billie Holiday. (Dumb Editor note: In her dreams, indeed!)

A road not taken. But hey, she got to sing at Ducky’s third birthday party at her sister’s urging.

Tabloid Mom, who kept telling Davis that he reminded her of Kenny Loggins, added her lovely voice to the mix.

bad Tabloid Dad missed the concert, but he was off working on the
Geraldo show. But the Kravitzes were there, as were many friends old
and new, including Diaper Diva’s next-door neighbor, hipster friends
from Williamsburg, and all of Ducky’s pals from her Prospect Park West
apartment building.

In addition to the ’70s sing-a-thon, there
was Pin the Tail on the Donkey, a mask-making activity, a Dora piñata,
and tiny cupcakes and, of course, the big photo op when Ducky blew out
her candles.

When all was said and done, Smartmom had to admit
that Diaper Diva had really aced the 3-year-old-party-test, an
important rite of passage of motherhood.

Sure, there was hard
candy (choking risk for 3-year-olds) in the pinata. But hey, the kids
had fun (and no Heimlich Maneuver was required). The parents had fun.
Even the children’s entertainer had fun.

And Smartmom and her twin are learning to be separate and supportive of one another.

Way to go, Diaper Diva, who is already planning Ducky Day number four. Smartmom wonders if she’ll be able to top this one. She is new at this and all…