Zelda Victoria, Park Slope’s quirky, fun Victoriana design/fabric/furniture shop seems to have disappeared. They were located on Third Street and Fifth Avenue. But the storefront is empty.

They’ve been in the neighborhood FOREVER.

Anyone know?

7 thoughts on “WHERE IS ZELDA VICTORIA?”

  1. For all of us who have been searching for the famous designer, Linda Spector, from Zelda victoria…search no more. They will be opening up a new store at 247 7th Avenue in September, 2009. We are so very glad they will be back in our neighborhood with their renouned talent. We are also happy to see Joel Spector again and his dog. They have been so very missed. They bring life and vigro into this neigborhood. They are true community people. I had my apartment done by then ten years ago.The design is timeless. The paint looks news and the look is real. Hope to see that store open soon. Great to have you back. Lots of luck on it.

  2. I am currently dealing with Linda & Joel and their work is wonderful. They are currently working out of thier home and can still be reached on the old number.

  3. I remember the first time i walked into Zelda Victoria when they were located on Garfield Place. I think that was at least 16 yrs. ago. I was impressed with the unusual samples and quantity of fabrics, as well as the selection of one of a kind pillows, lighting fixtures, lampshades, hats, scarves etc. I also liked the way Linda Spector worked with me on making selections of fabrics. Not pushy or imposing, but gently steering me in the right direction to get the look I wanted. The work Linda and Joel Spector have done in my house has been topnotch. The quality of the craftsmanship is excellent. My living room and dining room was painted over 12yrs. ago, and Linda designed a lincrusta border in verdigris and copper. The rooms look like they were painted a year ago. Zelda Victoria are not only experts in Victorian and Art Deco interior design, but they are also experts in contemporary and modern interior design. In my opinion, there is not another interior design store in the area that offers such comprehensive design services. I think Park Slope has lost one of the most creative shops in the neighborhood. If this kind of landlord greed could force out an established company like Zelda Victoria, it’s going to happen to other merchants whose stores make shopping in Park Slope unique. Of course the Spectors can still be reached by calling the old number, but we will all miss going into the Fifth AVe. store, especially around this time of year to pick up great holiday gifts frim allover the world.
    Marsha Blank November 17
    Marsha Blank

  4. I remember the first time i walked into Zelda Victoria when they were located on Garfield Place. I think that was at least 16 yrs. ago. I was impressed with the unusual samples and quantity of fabrics, as well as the selection of one of a kind pillows, lighting fixtures, lampshades, hats, scarves etc. I also liked the way Linda Spector worked with me on making selections of fabrics. Not pushy or imposing, but gently steering me in the right direction to get the look I wanted. The work Linda and Joel Spector have done in my house has been topnotch. The quality of the craftsmanship is excellent. My living room and dining room was painted over 12yrs. ago, and Linda designed a lincrusta border in verdigris and copper. The rooms look like they were painted a year ago. Zelda Victoria are not only experts in Victorian and Art Deco interior design, but they are also experts in contemporary and modern interior design. In my opinion, there is not another interior design store in the area that offers such comprehensive design services. I think Park Slope has lost one of the most creative shops in the neighborhood. If this kind of landlord greed could force out an established company like Zelda Victoria, it’s going to happen to other merchants whose stores make shopping in Park Slope unique. Of course the Spectors can still be reached by calling the old number, but we will all miss going into the Fifth AVe. store, especially around this time of year to pick up great holiday gifts frim allover the world.
    Marsha Blank November 17
    Marsha Blank

  5. linda and joel, owners of the lush and fabulous zelda victoria have been priced out of their space. i think the rent tripled, not doubled. they can be reached by calling the store number.
    what i think about a landlord who raises rent to the point of putting a tennant out of their established location raises my blood pressure to an unhealthy level.
    it is the sad story of too many park slope businesses.
    fonda sara
    zuzu’s petals

  6. I spoke with the man who owned the store and he plans to continue their work out of his home. I guess one could call the old ZV number and try to reach him that way? It is sad to see them go.

  7. We live down the block from Zelda Victoria and got to know the couple that owned the shop and their dog Cammy when we’d walk by. Their landlord doubled their already high rent to an astronomical level. Simple as that. It is sad to see them go.

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