Weight Watcher’s meetings are the coolest. There is so much wisdom in a room of people who have struggled with weight their whole lives. There is also pain, anger, disappointment and hope. You wouldn’t be at a meeting if you didn’t have hope and motivation to improve your predicament.

The meetings are about so much more than numbers on a scale. They’re about the meaning of food in your life, self-esteem, goals, getting in shape physically and emotionally.

I am so inspired when I look around at the diverse group of people that show up at that meeting. All colors, shapes and sizes, the people speak their minds honestly and openly because they feel very safe and comfortable there.

Yesterday’s meeting was especially verbose. A lot of people spoke; a lot of interesting things were said. Here’s a sampling.

“I have begun to think of food as a very high interest credit card.”

“I don’t have to eat every meal like it is my last. It’s not like I’m on death row.”

“I don’t look in the mirror and say I’m a fat pig anymore.”

“I learned from a friend who is a food critic. You only tase the first three bites.”

To which the leader added: “The first bite is good. The second is decadent. The third is enough. You no longer need to eat the whole thing.”

Some people begged to differ. But it’s an interesting idea.

As for me, I’ve lost 13 pounds since June. Next week I hope to receive my 3rd 5-pound star. The meetings keep me motivated and give me something to aim for.

There are Weight Watcher meetings on Saturday and Sunday mornings at the Montauk Club (8th Avenue at the corner of Lincoln Place). Just show up. You can see what it’s all about. There are also meetings on Wednesdays at around 5 p.m. at the American Legion on 9th Street near Third Avenue in Park Slope.


  1. WW has a very high success rate with people who stick to the program. Men, however, are reluctant to join, perceiving that this is a women’s program. Some WW centers have a higher percentage of men, but most, attract very few men. Shame…I’ve known both men and women who have lost significant amounts of weight in WW.

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