Got this note from a friend who is involved with Parents for Climate Protection. They will be in JJ Byrne Park (Fifth Avenue and third Street) during the Harvest Festival on October 12.
If you are planning to go to the Harvest Festival sponsored by Park Slope Parents and JJ Byrne Park on October 12 from 1 – 4, please come over to the table for Parents for Climate Protection and write and decorate a letter with or without your child.
We do these letter-writing campaigns to try to influence our senators and congress people to do the right thing on the issue of climate change. Our current letter-writing campaign is in support of the global warming protection bill sponsored by Senators Barbara Boxer and Sanders (S. 309).
We provide construction paper, glue, glitter, scissors, etc., and even some templates of what you and your child could write. It only takes a few minutes, and each personalized letter is the equivalent of a thousand emails, in terms of the impact it can have. We’ll even mail the letters for you!