This from New York 1:

The Brooklyn Navy Yards will soon be transformed into a place to learn
about the neighborhood’s past, Mayor Michael Bloomberg formally
announced Wednesday.

Come 2010 the building, which once was a U.S. Marine Corps
residence, will be turned into a Historical Center in a $15 million
renovation project.

“We felt like the history of the navy yard and what’s going on
today needed to be better told,” says Brooklyn Navy Yard Development
Corporation president Andrew Kimball.

The center will pay tribute to the time between the early 1800s and the 1960s when the navy built ships at the Navy Yard.

There are also plans for an addition that would house non-profit organizations, and meeting rooms for local community groups.

"When this facility opens, we envision bus loads of kids coming
through our local partners – the Brooklyn Center for the Urban
Environment and the Brooklyn Historical Center – to learn about naval
history, the evolution of manufacturing technology, the integration of
our country’s workforce, today’s use of sustainable building practices
and what is fast becoming the nation’s greenest industrial park,” said
Andrew Kimball, president, Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation.

The Brooklyn Naval Yard Development Corporation has teamed up with
the Brooklyn Historical Society to oversee the creation of exhibits for
the center.