For the rest of this review, you’ll have to go to Deep in the Heart of Brooklyn. I am dying to see the movie and enjoyed BB’s review very much.

You might expect that the prospects of seeing the first dramatic film
on Bob Dylan might lead to nothing less than 99% aniticipation. And so
it was, when the lights went down at the screening of I’m Not There by
Todd Haynes , the audience excitment and anticipation was palpable. But
the film itself is not Ray or The Cole Porter Story or Walk the Line.
As much as fans would hope for something that would help unravel, or at
least prepare a Unified Field Theory of Bob Dylan, one must remember
that even his own two films, the 7os release, Renaldo & Clara, and
Masked & Anonymous which he co-wrote with its director, Larry
Charles, (who also directed Borat), merited "Turkey", "Bomb" or zero
stars in the leading film review texts.