Brooklyn Paper Editor-in-Chief” Gersh was on the scene to witness yet another exchange between the Pigeon Advocate and The Bird Seed Sweeper, who the PA accuses of slaughtering pigeons. Thiis is just getting weird. Here’s an excerpt from the Brooklyn Paper’s report. This is practically the same conversation the Pigeon Advocate reported having with The Bird Seed Sweeper a letter she sent to OTBKB on October 15.
The pigeon-lover (whose name I’m going to withhold for reasons that will soon become clear) met me at the corner carrying a baby pigeon, still bearing the tell-tale yellow hairs of his infancy.
She said she saved the orphaned bird after the weekend massacre. And she also claimed to know who slaughtered these defenseless birds.
“It’s that guy, right over there!” she said, pointing at him.
All I saw was a man sweeping debris in front of his house. But, wait a second, that’s not debris — it’s birdseed!
And the pigeon-lover is running over to him to start screaming. What is going on here? I’d been set up!
“Why are you sweeping up my birdseed?” the pigeon-lover screamed, demanding that I take the man’s picture. “You’re the one who poisoned those pigeons over the weekend! And the press is here!”
The man denied poisoning the pigeons, by the way, but he didn’t deny sweeping up all the birdseed that the pigeon-lover had left.
“Please don’t throw birdseed in front of my house,” he told her.
“My kid is allergic! My kid gets sick from those pigeons.”
“Then you should move to the country!” the pigeon-lover said, drawing very little sympathy from the man (and, frankly, from this child-raising urbanite, too).
“Besides, there are no documented cases of anyone getting sick from pigeons.”
“Can’t you just feed them in the park? This is my front stoop!” he fired back.