Just about every week I get an email about Rocky Sullivan’s Thursday Night Quiz. This email was really long and fun (and with a great photo) so I decided to include it here. In February they’re doing an event called Quiz Don’t Destroy, an entire evening
dedicated to the battle over Bruce Ratner’s Atlantic Yards
project. Pit your knowledge against teams from local newspapers,
bloggers and community groups. Watch out if Norm Oder of Atlantic Yards Report is there — he knows everything.
dedicated to the battle over Bruce Ratner’s Atlantic Yards
project. Pit your knowledge against teams from local newspapers,
bloggers and community groups. Watch out if Norm Oder of Atlantic Yards Report is there — he knows everything.
Greetings, Pub-Quiz Ball-Drop Buffs…Tonight’s the last Rocky Sullivan’s Pub Quiz of 2007. Thanks to all of you who’ve made it down to Rocky’s for our Thursday night Quiz, to you who’ve almost made it, and to you who, by gumby, will one of these days. We’ve been at it every Thursday
since mid-September. Well, not Thanksgiving night, but all the
others. We’ve churned out eight rounds every week — questions, photos
and music. You’ve taken home lots of prizes, except the ones you
fluidically imbibed and left behind at Rocky’s.
A prize is a prize, no matter how long it’s in your pocession. We’re just beginning. 2008 is the Year of the Quiz, according to
the Journal of American Cultural Sciences*. It’s also the year of the
U.S. presidential election, the Beijing Summer Olympics, and a year planning on leaping for pure joy.On that last note, 2008’s leap day — February 29th — is the day
after a Rocky Sullivan’s Pub Quiz. Hence, more February to crow
about your team’s success the previous night.Oh…2008’s also the year that Bruce Ratner’s Atlantic Yards
project collapses under the weight of community opposition, an unkind
economy, legal beagles shining lights into dark corners, and the
project’s own disconnected hubris.Further into the future, be sure to mark your calendars for the
Quiz Event of the New Year: January 17, when along with Develop Don’t
Destroy Brooklyn, we present QUIZ DON’T DESTROY — an entire evening
dedicated to the battle over Bruce Ratner’s disastrous Atlantic Yards
project. Pit your knowledge against teams from local newspapers,
bloggers and community groups. Arrive early for good seats.