Coney Island residents, including the unofficial Mayor of Coney Island Dick Ziggin, Reverand Billy, and the Mermaid Parade Queen, spoke out at a Tuesday meeting on plans to redevelop their neighborhood. Read all about it at the Kinetic Carnival.
Here’s an excerpt from NY 1 story:
The proposed plan includes 5,000 housing units, and space for what’s being called “entertainment retail.”
Some residents say they don’t want the amusement area to be turned into a mall, and made their statements loud and clear through sermons, songs, and speeches.
“It’s FAO Schwartz with a keyboard you can dance on. It’s Radio Shack with a demonstration video game. It’s a shopping mall by other names,” said Dick Ziggin, founder of Coney Island USA.
“It’s certainly an important part of the public process for zoning. So I’m actually glad that people came out tonight so that we can hear their opinions and modify the scope accordingly,” said Lynn Kelly of Coney Island Development Corporation.
Officials expect more public hearings as the rezoning process moves forward