Zuzu’s Petals: Yesterday Was Yucky

Here is yesterday’s email from Fonda at Zuzu’s Petals. As she says, yesterday was such a yucky day. But a great day to order spring bulbs. If you have a garden.

"what a yucky day" I thought when i got up.
I reluctantly went out with Bear to keep him company …he gets nervous when there is lightening and thunder.
while he was taking care of business i ran a quick check of the garden.

All my Roses have buds with color,
my wild self seeding cherry tomatoes have fruit AND flowers,
there is new growth on my beloved Nandinas
besides which, best of all, one of my intrepid Foxglove seedlings has a flowerspike 18" tall!

Of course this is why we garden!
To cheer us up on yucky days!
Back inside, i went online and ordered a small but satisfying collection of Spring Bulbs to sell at The Big.
Why not get a headstart on Spring?
Sorry about the tiny pictures…go get your glasses,
i’ll wait.

this is a collection of all white Daffodils,Jonquils and Narcissus that will naturalize.
Next i ordered some of these lovely Giant  Pickwick Crocus.
And finished off the collection with Hyacinth "Woodstock" …for us Boomers.

Not too much…just a little something to invest in gardenjoy for next Spring…you have anything else you think might be a better investment right now?
i didn’t think so…
I will alert you all when they arrive.

This Sunday the 2nd of November, our Todd will put the Garden at the Big to sleep, bury the remaining pots of Trees, Shrubs, and Perennials for the Winter.
If there’s anything you had an eye on, give us a call and stop by  Saturday.
Remember Sunday is the Marathon and I think we have to turn the clocks back…(don’t you just hate that?) if i am wrong, please let me know.
We unpacked the fleece scarves last week…Summer is definitely over.
love to you all…

i look forward to seeing everyone at the polls next week!