In honor of Veterans Day, the Evergreens Cemetery will be giving a free guided tour on November, 9 at 11 am.
I just wanted to let you know because it would be a great chance for you to meet Danny, the resident historian. He’s a great guy, can recall an insane amount of facts, and is truly passionate about keeping the cemetery’s history alive.
The Evergreens is an often-overlooked part of New York and Brooklyn history, but it boasts an impressive array of people and stories. If you’d like to come on the tour, let me know.
The Evergreens Cemetery has the advantage of being one of the most
picturesque and historic places in all of New York City. It is the
final resting place of veterans of the Revolutionary War, the Civil
War, and the two World Wars. Several Medal of Honor recipients are
interred at the Evergreens as well.This free walking tour, led by the cemetery’s resident historian, will
provide an in-depth look at the cemetery’s military history in honor of
our veterans. The tour starts at 11 a.m. at the Bushwick Ave. gate,
weather permitting. If the weather looks poor, please call the cemetery
at 718-455-5300 to see if the tour has been canceled. SundayThe Where and When
November, 9 at 11 am.
1629 Bushwick Avenue.