They Want Your Brooklyn Stories

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Brooklyn is changing fast. We are creating Brooklyn At Eye Level, a theater show inspired by interviews about the transformation of Brooklyn and the controversial Atlantic Yards Project. If you have something to say about the communities surrounding the proposed project (Downtown, Ft. Greene, Clinton Hill, Crown Heights, Prospect Heights & Park Slope), we want to listen.

We want to talk to long-term residents, recent arrivals, players in the Atlantic Yards story, as well as those who work or live in the area. Eager to hear from all perspectives.

If you want to be interviewed send us an email with a little information about yourself to Michael Premo, Project Coordinator: Premo(at)thecivilians(dot)org.  For more information: .

These interviews will be performed along with original music and dance by Urban Bush Women live at the Brooklyn Lyceum, December 4th – 7th.

Here’s something about The Civilians from Theatermania:

The award-winning theater troupe The Civilians will present their newest work, Brooklyn at Eye Level, at the Brooklyn Lyceum, December 4-7.

This new work will examine the surge of development in Brooklyn, with a
specific focus on the controversial Atlantic Yards project and its
effect on the surrounding communities.

The group, led by artistic
director Steven Cosson, will conduct interviews with residents,
business owners, politicians, and civic organizations in preparation
for the show. They will also work with playwright Lucy Thurber, dance
company Urban Bush Women, and composer Michael Friedman, along with a
variety of local artists.

After the December performances, the company will use the
material to develop a full-length theater piece, along with online
content and other future programs.

The Civilians are currently performing This Beautiful City at Los Angeles’ Kirk Douglas Theater, which will also be produced at New York’s Vineyard Theatre in 2009.
Their other work includes Gone Missing and Paris Commune.