I noticed the other day that the Christmas decorations are up on Fifth Avenue. Look up. You’ll see them too. This is a picture by No Words Daily Pix from 2006.
It is available for holiday cards. Email: hugh(at)hughcrawford(dot)com
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I agree. Let’s take it one holiday at a time. Before you know it we will have Christmas ads after the 4th of July!
The decorations went up before Halloween?? Is it just me, or does this happen earlier and earlier every year. I’m all for Christmas decorations, but I don’t think they should go up until closer to Thanksgiving.
I saw these decorations up before Halloween. My 7 year old daughter and I were walking to school and even she said this was way too early.
My little girl said why not have Halloween decorations? Or even just Fall decorations?
That would be much more appropriate.
I prefer to take one holiday at a time.
I hate when they put up decorations too early. The ones on Fifth Avenue went up before Halloween!!!
My 7 year old didn’t like it either, and suggested that if they really want to put up decorations this early, why not have Autumn decorations (or even Halloween decorations) and save the Christmas stuff for later.)
The folks on 7th aren’t quite as early. They just started putting up their snowflakes this past Friday (the Friday after Election Day.)
Am I the only one who likes to take one holiday at a time?
The decorations are very nice.