Zuzu’s Petals: The Spirit Was in Us

A momentous day on Fifth Avenue: the first meeting of the Fifth Avenue Business Improvement District and Fonda, owner of Zuzu’s Petals, has to find a Mrs. Claus costume. You can see the pix on the Zuzu site.

It was the first official meeting of the Fifth Avenue Business Improvement District (BID).

Beloved Irene LoRe of Aunt Suzie’s had agreed to be the chairman of the board. The Autumn sun was streaming through the windows of the Old Stone House.

We were eating bagels. Bear was with me, under the table, eating his favorite: sesame seed,no shmear.

The spirit was in us all; it had taken years of hard work to get to this point; this group never gave up despite frustration and lack of support deserved to feel proud.

We were planning a kick off event for the holidays; tossing around ideas about a tree lighting, Menorah lighting, staying open late nights.

Irene asked if anyone would volunteer to be Santa and Mrs. Claus.

My hand shot up.

There you have it.
Now all i need is my Mrs. Santa suit.
So, I went online to check out the possibilities.

I must say, i wasn’t prepared for how frumpy Mrs. Santa is. I don’t know what i could have been thinking …

After all,what sort of woman would be married to Santa Claus?