The Gowanus Summit

Today New York City Councilmembers Bill de Blasio and David Yassky will endorse the "Gowanus Summit." These are, apparently, principles for responsible development of the Gowanus Canal area. 

Just in time for City Planning Commission Chairperson Amanda Burden’s visit to the neighborhood it seems.

The Gowanus Summit, a coalition of community organizations, labor unions, and advocates for blue-collar jobs.  The principles include guarantees for affordable housing, to preserve space for artists, artisans and light manufacturing, to create good jobs, to require responsible contractors, and to maintain high environmental standards.

The endorsements will come shortly before City Planning Commission Chairperson Amanda Burden comes to the neighborhood to present City Planning’s proposal for rezoning the area to the Land Use Committee of Community Board 6.

Councilmembers and Gowanus Summit groups welcome the presentation, as many aspects of Commissioner Burden’s proposal align with their responsible redevelopment principles. 

They will ask City Planning to work with them to insure that their remaining goals are addressed as the rezoning process moves forward.