Why Do You Think Brooklyn Is So Badass?

I just got this email from the folks over at (www.fuckedinparkslope.com), who want to spread the word about their latest project. And as you’ll see, you can help. Send in your reasons for loving Brooklyn…

Inspired by NY mag’s recent "Why we love NY feature" we here at FIPS (www.fuckedinparkslope.com)
have decided to quickly pull together a "why we love Brooklyn"
feature.  As 2008 comes to a close, we hope to feature 209 reasons we
think Brooklyn is so badass in a feature to be pub’d on January 1, 2009.

why do you love Brooklyn?  It could be something very specific (i.e.
because of Frannie’s on Flatbush) or something more general (i.e. more
hipsters per square capita than any other place on earth).  Feel free
to include links, where appropriate, and even a line or two of
explaining your choice (only if you’d like to).  If its specific to
2008, all the better. And of course, we will attribute your item (and
include a link back to your blog or website!), so please do let me know
if you’d prefer to be anon.

Feel free to send in as many or
as few reasons as you’d like (and also feel free to forward this on to
any friends, other bloggers, or anyone else you think might like to
contribute).  We’d love to feature as many other Brooklyn bloggers,
twitterers and Brooklynites as possible, so please repost on your blogs
and get back to us with any submissions.

We’re getting a late start after the holiday weekend, so apologies for the rush request!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Happy Holidays!

One thought on “Why Do You Think Brooklyn Is So Badass?”

  1. Who wouldn’t love Brooklyn?? It’s gritty, it’s diverse, it’s the same as it was 50 years ago, and yet it’s different every day. I love the loyalty Brooklynites have to their borough…when you meet them at a wedding or other function, they’re always proud to tell everyone what neighborhood their from.

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