Memoir Writing Workshop and World Class Mexican and Chinese Food

Donna Minkowitz wrote to say that she’s teaching a memoir writing class this spring starting Wednesday, January 28, which will go through Wednesday, March 18.

This class will be taught out of her apartment in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. (Check it out — there is world-class Mexican and Chinese food nearby.)

The workshop will focus on using emotional and sensual details, musical language, and storytelling to help you build your memoir and give richness to it.

It goes for eight weeks, and runs from 7 to 9 p.m. Writers at every level are welcome. The cost is $300. Here’s some info about Minkowitz’s class:

My memoir writing workshop is focused on craft. The class is limited to eight people. Students will get frequent feedback in a supportive atmosphere. All questions will be happily answered at minkowitz(at)earthlink(dot)net.

Donna Minkowitz is the author of Ferocious Romance: What My Encounters With The Right Taught Me About Sex, God and Fury (Simon and Schuster), a memoir that won a Lambda Literary Award and was shortlisted for the Quality Paperback Book Club’s New Visions Award "for the most promising and distinctive work by a new author." A former columnist for The Village Voice, she has also written for The New York Times Book Review, Salon, New York magazine, Ms. and The Nation. Minkowitz has performed her work at The Kitchen, the avant-garde arts space, with The Storytelling Center of New York City, and at Time & Space Limited in Hudson, N.Y. She was awarded a writer’s residency by Ledig House and has taught memoir writing workshops at the 92nd Street Y, the In Our Own Write program of the Lesbian and Gay Center, and The Kitchen.