Brookyn Paper: 90 To Watch in 09

Find out who and what to watch out for in Brooklyn in 2009. Here are just a few of the things on the Brooklyn Paper’s long list. For the full list, go to their website.

Like any respectable publication, The Brooklyn Paper makes lists. So
without any further ado, here are the 90 people, places and things to
watch in ’09:

84. Paul Auster: The prolific Park Slope author is rumored to be coming
out with a new novel this year, “Invisible,” after penning “Man in the
Dark” last year, which was set in a fictional United States wracked by a post-election civil war.

77. Cordula Volkening: This Park Slope artist has been battling
brain cancer while producing an astonishing array of representational
paintings in the past year. She is planning a spring show to benefit
her children at Brooklyn Artists Gym in Gowanus.

76. Susan Fox: The founder of the once-quaint, now-booming Park
Slope Parents Web site has emerged as a force throughout the borough.
She’s on the Park Slope Civic Council, she’s helping the Old Stone
House, she’s helping local merchants, and this year she even led the
annual Halloween Parade for kids. Someday, she’ll be in the City

70. Peter and Kristen Sclafani: The restaurateurs who brought Bar Tano
to a barren stretch of Third Avenue in Gowanus are planning to open
another European-styled cafe and wine bar in 2009, this time on an equally foodless stretch of Eighth Avenue in Park Slope. Econony be damned: These two know what they’re doing.

68. Catherine Bohne: The Park Slope Community Bookstore’s owner can’t
be stopped with her ebullience to keep the locals shopping locally. In
2008, Bohne started a restaurant tour along Seventh Avenue and expanded
the holiday bazaar Snowflake Celebration to two nights. She’s got more
up her sleeve for 2009.