Internet Rumor: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public Next Month

I got this helpful reminder from an OTBKB reader. It may just be an Internet rumor. Ahhhh…Hold off until I confirm. Thanks for all the comments.

REMINDER…. all cell phone  numbers are being released to
telemarketing  companies and you will start  to receive sale calls.

To prevent this, call  the following number from your cell phone:

It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will  only take a minute of
your  time. It blocks your number for five (5)  years. You must call
from the cell phone  number you want to have blocked. You cannot call
 from a different phone  number.

It takes about 20 seconds. I just did it.


9 thoughts on “Internet Rumor: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public Next Month”

  1. According to, this is false. Snopes notes:
    “Despite dire warnings about the imminent release of cell phone numbers to telemarketers that continue to be circulated via e-mail year after year, cell phone users do not have to register their cell phone numbers with the national Do Not Call registry before a soon-to-pass deadline to head off an onslaught of telemarketing calls.”
    Snopes continues: “Cellular users can choose to register their cell numbers with the national Do Not Call registry, but doing so provides only a small additional measure of protection, since FCC regulations already in place block the bulk of telemarketing calls to cell phones. There is not (and never has been) a deadline to list one’s phone number with the national Do Not Call Registry — it can be done at any time.”
    To read the entire article, go to

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