Closing: Super Saver on 7th Avenue Near Union

And they're having a liquidation sale. Everything 50% off. I spoke to the owner. He was hoping to sell the store and came very close. But the buyers backed out after speaking to the landlord who were offering a 10-year lease on a rent that would eventually be $18,000 per month. I'm not sure what the rent is now. But that's a lot of money. 

The owner used to own five businesses. The Super Saver was the last one. He lives 90 minutes away in New Jersey. So he's ready to retire from the business. 

Everything in there is for sale. I got a whole bunch of stuff myself. Get over there fast before he sells out…

3 thoughts on “Closing: Super Saver on 7th Avenue Near Union”

  1. It’s easy to demonize landlords Mary Lou, but they are running a business just like every other business. It is a rare person indeed that accepts less than what is offered for his/her services. Unless you live off the land and earn no income – you do it too. Rents go up and rents go down, I can’t fault the landlord for renting the property at current market rates. He/she is not a charity.

  2. Amazing. Even in these hard times, the greedy landlords of Park Slope continue to charge these obsurd rents. These guys were smart to tell them no. Supersavers was a great little store that really served the neighborhood well. Let’s see how long it takes for them to get someone in there. May they rot in hell.

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