Parents for Climate Protection: House Party on Jan 25

Parents for Climate Protection is presenting their  3rd Annual House Party for parents and children (or adults without children) with panel discussion and an arts and crafts letter writing activity. As in previous years, several amazing experts will share their knowledge on climate change with attendees.

 Professor Allen Frei, Ph.D., climatologist at Hunter College and CUNY, and Deputy Director of the Sustainable Cities Institute

  Amy Larkin, Solutions Director, National Greenpeace

Jackson Morris, Air and Energy Associate, Environmental Advocates of New York


For the crafts activity, we provide all the materials necessary for the attendees to write letters to their elected officials on the urgent need for federal legislation limiting greenhouse gas emissions.  We encourage families to work together with children creating beautiful nature collages and parents adding a message on their behalf.  If you just want to come to hear the presentations and ask questions, that's perfectly fine as well. You don’t have to be a parent to attend!

Date: Sunday, January 25th, 3:00 p.m.
General location:  South Slop

Please e-mail to rsvp with the number of attendees (adults and children) and to obtain the address: nyclaudia(at)earthlink(dot)net




One thought on “Parents for Climate Protection: House Party on Jan 25”

  1. The name in the title of your post and the actual name of this group mean two vastly different things. You should really fix it.
    ( fixed – thank you)

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