Storycorps Wants the Greatest Love Story in Brooklyn

I just heard from a reasearcher at StoryCorps, the national oral history project,
which records the lives of everyday people across the country. The idea
is that people visit one of SC's recording booths and interview one
another. A copy of the conversation is then archived for future
generations in the Library of Congress and you get a copy to take home
with you.

This researcher wrote in to to ask if I had any ideas of people she should record an interview with StoryCorps at their booth in downtown

That got me thinking. There are so many stories around here. Hmmmmm. Ahhhhh. Ummmmm. Do you have a story you want to share or know of one?

StoryCorps is looking for larger-than-life local institutions,
oldest residents, anyone with a disappearing business or skill, but
above all, real talkers, the kind of people you could happily listen to
for hours.

With Valentine's Day coming up, they're especially interested in
finding the person or persons who have the "greatest love story in
Brooklyn". She'd love to know if anyone in your community or beyond fits that description.

(There's even a possibility that the
story could end up being broadcast on NPR's Morning Edition the week of
Valentine's Day.)

For a little context, here's a story with a Brooklyn couple they recorded a couple of years ago:

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