A Red Hook Lunch: From Community Farm to PS 15

A note from Ian Marvy of Added Value in Red Hook arrived in my in box and I wanted to share it with readers of OTBKB

Kimberly Vargas' video "A Red Hook Lunch" has been chosen as one of five
finalists in the National Farm to School Networks 'Real Food Is' YouTube
contest. Now the winner will be chosen by the voting public – by you! The
winner will receive $1,000 for their cafeteria food project, and one
representative from the winning video entry and a select chaperone win an
all expense paid trip (registration, travel, and lodging) to the 4th
National Farm to Cafeteria Conference in Portland, Oregon, March 19-21st.

As part of last falls City Wide Garden-To-Cafeteria project, Kimberly
followed the harvest of food from Red Hook Community Farm to the table at
PS15. Along the way she captured the story of how a collaboration between
local school systems and local urban agriculture initiatives can transform
our lives and the world in which we live

For Kimberly, it was the culmination of her work as an educator, farm
worker, and documenter.

Please take the 3 minutes to watch Kimberly's video and vote! I you love it
please pass it on to friends and colleagues and encourage them to vote for
Kimi. http://www.farmtoschool.org/vote.php