March 29: Donating One’s Body to Science with Jane Brody

Donating One's Body to Medical Education and Research
Sunday, March 29, 2009
1:00 pm, Park Slope United Methodist Church (PSUMC)
410 6th Ave. @ 8th Street

Special Guest: Jane Brody
Health columnist for The New York Times, and Park Slope neighbor 
Author of the just-released Jane
Brody’s Guide to the Great Beyond: A practical primer to help you and
your loved ones prepare medically, legally, and emotionally for the end
of life, which will be available for purchase (signed by the author)

(March 21, 2009) Several members of our PSUMC community are
planning on leaving their bodies to a local medical school when they died. 
For some of us it is a spiritual act; for others, an earthly and
practical step at death.  Either way, it's a gift that enables the next
generation of doctors to learn more about life. 

How does such a donation take place and when is the decision made?  
Does it conflict with signing on as an organ donor on one's driver's
license?  How do families experience a loved one's body donation?  How
does one select a recipient institution? PSUMC invites you to hear more
about this death option, including legal and logistical considerations
and personal reflections.

Brief presentations will be given by representatives of a consortium of
NY medical school anatomical donation programs, and  family members of
donors who will talk about their families' experiences. Information
will be available about contacts for programs.

No need to RSVP.  All are welcome.  There is no charge for this event. 

Park Slope United Methodist Church
410 Sixth Avenue (at Eighth Street), Brooklyn, NY