Accordian Angels Tonight at Freddy’s: Eclectic Squeeze of Music

Famousaccordions Hear the Accordian Angels tonight at Freddy's in Prospect Heights, where you will be treated to the sounds of Rossini, Ellington, Ivor Cutler, Kraftwerk
 and more, mingled and squozen out at one of Brooklyn's great music bars.

I know the Accordian Angels have a great sound because last Sunday they practiced in front of one of the buildings on Third Street. On that Sunday, one of the first gorgeous days of Spring, Third Streeters and passers-by were treated to an impromptu concert and it was lovely.

Here's your chance to hear them:

Saturday April 25th / 8:00 pm

Freddy's Backroom 
485 Dean Street
Brooklyn NY 11217
near Bergen St (2 or 3 trains)
no charge, but "the hat" will be passed…
also playing:  
9pm – Brotherhood of the Jug Band Blues
10pm – Julia Haltigan & The Hooligans
11pm – Mike Cobb & The Crevulators – (thanks – they got us the gig!)
12am – Jimmy & The Wolfpack