New Blog on the Block: Amusing the Zillions

3535192291_21668c6000Get out the welcome wagon and bring some frozen margaritas, chips and salsa on over to the new blog on the block:, which went
live over the weekend

Blogger Tricia Vita grew up in the amusement business and has a background in journalism. She works in Coney Island at the History Project and last year began photographing what was happening and sending info to Gowanus Lounge and Curbed. She writes:

"After Bob Guskind's death, I realized I had to launch my own Coney Island blog
this season. I had really started blogging on my flickr. Apparently that's the
way Guskind started too, I remember Jake Dobkin  of Gothamist mentioning it at Bob's memorial. I can't tell you how many times I think, when
something crazy happens, like Thor Equities tents being the wrong
tents and having to come off, oh, Bob is laughing at this up
there in bloggers heaven.   I will do a post dedicating my blog
to Bob in the near future.
addition to redevelopment issues, I plan to post about fun things to
do, beloved attractions, favorites, etc."