Bob Zuckerman Endorsed by Anthony Weiner

U.S. Congressman and former mayoral candidate Anthony
Weiner announced his endorsement on Sunday of City Council Candidate Bob
Zuckerman in front of a crowd at Dizzy’s Restaurant in Park Slope.  Zuckerman is one of the 39ers.

 “I am proud to endorse Bob
Zuckerman for City Council. Bob isn’t going to the City Council to be a
business as usual politician. He’s a serious candidate for a serious time.  Bob will work tirelessly to bring jobs back to
Brooklyn by helping small businesses, which are the backbone of our economy.  He will push for universal health care so that
everyone in this country has access to medical care.  And he will advocate for true government
accountability and reform.  We need real
leaders in the City Council from Brooklyn and Bob Zuckerman is one of those

One thought on “Bob Zuckerman Endorsed by Anthony Weiner”

  1. As my “representative,” I wish Congressman Weiner would spend more time educating himself about just how many of his constituents are opposed to his position on this healthcare mess and other critical national issues at hand than endorsing candidates for City government. No offense intended to Mr. Zuckerman, but I’d like Congressman Weiner to either get his priorities in order or kindly step down from Congress and pursue his higher ambition of running for Mayor.

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