The Race For City Council Goes On in the 39th

Upcoming events in the race for City Council in the 39th: On October 22 at 8 p.m. Brad Lander and David Pechefsky go head to head at the Central Brooklyn Independent
Democrats (CBID). This is CBID's monthly meeting but it is open to the public. 
The discussion will focus on David's strongest point: reform of the Council and
the role of the Speaker.  This topic has generated a lot of press and is a
point where the two candidates strongly disagree, so don't miss it. The debate
takes place at the Park Slope Methodist Church, 6th Avenue and 8th Street.

On Thursday, October 29 at 7 p.m. Thursday,
October 29 there's a
debate Sponsored by the Food Coalition and other community groups.
Topics to be covered include health, sustainability, school food and
curriculum, expanding access to healthy food, social justice for food workers
and consumers and local healthy food sources.  The debate takes place at
PS 10 (7th Ave & Prospect Ave) in Park Slope.

In the past week there's been a lot going on:

Monday night's
Candidate Debate sponsored by the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association Democrat Brad Lander and Republican Joe Nardiello and David Pechefsky  of the Green Party answered questions from
Carroll Gardens residents on everything from city budgeting to universal health


Earlier in the day, all three candidates were
together for a photo-op because of a controversy over Mr.
Lander's write-up in the Voter Guide which 80,000 CD 39 voters received in the
mail last week. 

Written in June when the focus was on the Democratic Primary,
Mr. Lander stated that he was the only candidate with children in Public
School.  Although true for the Primary contest, that statement is
factually inaccurate for the general election where both David and the
Republican have children attending Public School.  We organized a press
event to dramatize that fact in front of MS 51 where David's older daughter

A few days earlier the three candidates debated similar issues in
a private debate held in the offices of the Brooklyn Paper. Although the
subsequent write-up was not quite the endorsement we were hoping for, it does
give David's supporters, especially those of you who've missed the debates, to
watch him express his viewpoints in a live video. Click on the link below and
then follow the instructions in the article: