DOT To Implement Improvements to the Brooklyn Bridge Exit Ramp

Craig Hammerman District Manager of Community Board 6 sent this my way about scheduled changes to the Brooklyn Bridge (from State Senator Daniel Squadron's office). Thanks to Craig who likes to keep bloggers abreast of the latest news.

Anyone who has ever
tried to get on the Brooklyn Bridge from the FDR knows how frustrating
that exit can be – cars merging late into the exit lane cause
disruptive back-up on the FDR. Concerned about these unacceptable
conditions, Senator Squadron called on the State Department of
Transportation to review the situation, and is pleased to report that
the New York City Department of Transportation has agreed to implement
some important improvements to the exit ramp before the end of the

The changes include:
·         Refreshing all the pavement markings, making them clearer and easier to read.
Replacing the current broken white line between the right and center
lanes with a shorter-spaced dotted line, making it clearer much earlier
that the merge is approaching.

·         Adding two repetitions of the words EXIT ONLY to the right lane.
Replacing the current sign that reads, "Bklyn-Battery Tunnel" with a
new sign that reads, "Exit 1 / Battery Pk / Staten Is Ferry."

changes are scheduled to be implemented before the end of the year. In
addition, the NYPD has committed to regular and vigilant traffic
enforcement at this location. As always, you can reach out to the
Senator's office with any concerns or feedback, at (212) 298-5565 or
via email at