Cafe Regular is Irregular

Regulars of Cafe Regular on 11th Street just west of Fifth Avenue seem to be staying away since their favorite barista, Martin, was asked to leave.

It's not exactly a boycott. But one regular had this to say:

"The two mornings since have
been pretty empty… regulars seem to be pretty appalled at the
changes. It's closing for the holiday / renovations and my gut feeling
is that people will be even more upset when it opens with the changes,
not sure what they'll do then to voice their displeasure.  Let's just
hope that Martin's photo will remain on the wall!"

3 thoughts on “Cafe Regular is Irregular”

  1. The coffee at Cafe Regular is very good. I frequent the establishment on Berkeley Place (just below Seventh Avenue). Cafe Regular is a pleasant spot to spend a couple of minutes drinking coffee while reading the paper before heading off to work or on to local errands. The Berkeley Place establishment works best in warmer weather. I hope that the proprietor does something for the approaching colder weather. Only a continually opening and closing glass door separates the coffee drinker from the elements.

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